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Animal Reiki

Happy & Calm  Animals

Reiki is used in many animal shelters to help rehabilitate stressed and mistreated dogs prior to rehoming, giving them much better adoption prospects.

Reiki can work alongside veterinary care when they are not in optimum health. Animals can take on stress and pain from their guardians and Reiki is a great way to help them heal.

Reiki can help to calm nervous pets, and many animals are drawn to the relaxing healing energy of Reiki, they can greatly benefit from this gentle healing energy. As with humans Reiki may benefit animals with physical, mental or emotional issues.

The energy system of an animal is very similar to that of a human and a happy well-balanced animal has a strong, clear and balanced energy field.

Prior to treatment I will make some notes regarding your animal and why you are seeking treatment regarding temperament and any known health issues and diagnosis. It is important to ensure that the animal is quiet and comfortable prior to treatment. Treatment can take place in an open setting or enclosed such as a stable, or even their own bed where they like to relax.

Please note that I do not treat animals in the clinic and I will either travel to your premises if you are based locally or I can send distant healing. Please contact me if you would like to discuss a healing for your pet.

Here at The Reiki Retreat we love to do animal reiki as they very attracted to the energy, it can have the same calming effect on them as it does on humans.

 If you are interested in animal reiki, please contact me to discuss your animals’ requirements, it can be either in-person if you live locally or at a distance.


Reiki can help with:

  • Nervous pets
  • Trauma from abuse
  • Loss
  • Home move
  • Depression
  • Behavioural problems
  • Abandonment
  • Separation anxiety